Our Story
The practice of sauna and cold plunge has been around for a couple of thousand years dating back to Finnish/Nordic ancestry. It's physical and mental health benefits have been known for a long time, but more recently it has caught onto popular current social trends with athletes and celebrities ranging from Lebron James, Tony Robbins, Drake, Beiber, Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow and the Kardashians all giving their support. Healthcare professionals that are focused on the science of Longevity are also providing their backing on its enormous health benefits (Dr. Andrew Huberman, Dr. Peter Attia, Dr. Susana Soberg and Dr. Rhonda Patrick).
Born into a Finnish culture, I have been in a sauna since I was a month old. 43 years of experience. More recently I have been incorporating sauna/cold plunge into my daily routine 2x/day over the last 10 months.
It has changed my life.
It is indescribable.
Our mission is for everyone to feel this way.
Our system is the first of it's kind that combines Sauna & Cold Plunge with Medicine, and it will provide you access to the "indescribable"
Reach out to me personally to see how we can help you become a part of the SiSU Family or at the very least, come over and have the SiSU TOTAL HEALTH experience.
We promise you - It won't be your last 🔥❄
See you soon
"Let's F***ing SiSU"
- LFS -
Psychology of SiSU
SiSU is a unique Finnish concept.
It is a Finnish term that can be roughly translated into English as strength of will, determination, perseverance, and acting rationally in the face of adversity.
SiSU is not momentary courage, but the ability to sustain that courage.